Monday, January 5, 2009

Photos... finally!

Last night I signed up for 3 classes at 4 seasons. Two of them are at 5:30 in the morning! I had my first class (Pilates) this morning. It was hard to get out of bed but I was really pumped when I got there. Tomorrow I also have a class at 5:30 a.m. This one is called Zumba. I have heard great things about it but it requires dancing. I have no rhythm so this will be interesting! The other one is a step aerobics class on Wednesday nights. My eating habits would have been better if I didn't make cookies... again! Oops... :)

On another note...

Finally, some photos! The first two are of Tempest. She was "sleeping in" with Chad one day and they cracked me up. Note: I did not set her up this way... this is how she was when I walked in. Tempest also LOVES the snow... she was going crazy out there. She is the only reason I would ever wish for snow... because I know she loves to play in it.

This is a photo of my cousin Jady and her 5 month old, Derk. He was celebrating his first Christmas as we all fought over who got to hold him! :)
The following photos are from the Kemp side. First is Devereaux enjoying a spin on his new scooter in the basement. I am just thankful he didn't run over Rhyme and Tempest! The next photo is Cooper who was enjoying opening Christmas presents. Finally, the last photo is of little Miss Caroline. She was such snuggler... here she was snuggling with Grandma Kemp.

I have all my photos edited (as much as I am going to do because there are so many). I will get a disc out to family soon.
Now... I have to start making invitations for an upcoming post-Christmas party for the SF girls!

1 comment:

Julie Ondo said...

The pics are a-freakin-dorable. Hope the invites went still owe me a movie review :) J