Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More bad news...

Brandon was transfered to St. Louis hospital today. The cancer has spread to his intestines. They aren't able to operate to remove the liquid in his lungs (which is now in both lungs) or to start the chemo because he is too weak. They also want to remove part of his intestines to remove part of the cancer. They have put him on a feeding tube and have pumped all food out of his stomach. He will continue to be fed via the feeding tube but the food will be pumped back out once his body has absorbed the nutrients. They will repeat this process until he is strong enough to undergo anestesia. I am hoping for better news in the coming days. Thank you for all of your prayers.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Awe, Mir... I'm so sorry to hear yet more bad new regarding his condition.. I pray that he is not in pain & suffering.. Stay strong for him.. Big hugs..