Thursday, May 29, 2008


Chad had his tonsillectomy yesterday and fortunately everything went really well. He didn't get into surgery until about 1:30 but the surgery itself only took 25 minutes. Besides taking out his tonsils, he also had a deviated septum so they had to do some work in his nose as well. He was barely awake when I came to the recovery room but he was joking around every time he spoke. I asked the nurse why his blood pressure was so high (148/86) and before she could reply Chad said, in a tone barely above a whisper, that it was because there were so many hot nurses working on him. :) At that point, I knew he wasn't feeling any pain. The nurse laughed and said it was expected because of the anesthetics. We waited 3 hours and he came home.

At home he kept coming in and out of sleep. At about 10:00 last night, he was wide awake again and wanted to watch a movie. I fell asleep only to be startled awake when he proclaimed that he didn't feel well all of a sudden and took off to the bathroom. I can't imagine that vomiting with scabs all over the back of your throat feels very good. I felt bad for him. Not only was he vomiting, but he was also having his 3rd bloody nose of the night.

Today was a long day. We got up around 6:00 a.m. and Chad got the hiccups. Every hiccup hurt his throat and I could tell... he was cringing. He tried holding his breath, I tried startling him, he drank water but he just couldn't get rid of them. FINALLY, at 7:30 p.m. they stopped! Over 13 hours of hiccuping! I have never heard anyone hiccup for so long.

He is doing well now - reading his Automobile magazine and soaking in every word. No hiccups. No vomiting. No bloody noses. Life is good. He is a great patient. I would have been whiny and bitter. He is in high spirits... well that was until he found out we got our tax bill! YIKES!

I was just about to publish this post... he got up to go to bed... and guess what... HE HAS HICCUPS AGAIN!!! I can't believe it. Sigh... poor guy.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I hope things are smooth sailing from here on out... poor guy!