Thursday, February 7, 2013

Upgrading it all - Classrooms, Languages, Belly Size, and our Kitchen

Good news/bad news... Jude moves up to the "Two's Room" at daycare.  I should be really excited.  However, I really like his teacher(s) now so I am undecided on how excited to get.  We have been SOOO happy with Scribbles.  I am sure everything will be fine.  I had the same reservations when he transferred into the room he is in now (Toddlers)... and I love what he learns every day.  He teaches Chad and I new songs and comes home using words that we haven't taught him.  For example, the other day he told me he saw his reflection when we were looking in the mirror.  I didn't teach him the word reflection...  I was very excited to hear him use the term and understand it.

He is also getting really good at singing along to music.  Thanks to the CD's from Julie (that we listen to over and over and over again) Jude is memorizing the words.  He will sing right along with the music and it is oh-so-adorable!

Jude is also helping Daddy workout now.  Not sure who has more fun!
I am still not sure that he (Jude) understands what it means when we talk about his baby brother or sister that will be arriving shortly.  He kisses the baby.  He hugs the baby.  He tells me I have a big baby (haha).  Even though I am not convinced that he really understands, I think he is going to be a phenominal big brother.
With only 8 weeks to go, I am getting excited and am finally starting to think about what I need to do to get ready.  Get baby stuff out, order parts for my pump, register at the hospital, etc. etc. etc.  I really don't think the list is very long but I should probably start putting some thought into it.

My 28 week photos were taken with Jude.  He was such a sport!  Gio and Genny gave us the cutest Red Sox shirts when we announced our pregnancy.  I had to get some pre-baby shots with them!


I took the 29 week photo while Jude and I were in Austin, visiting Chad.  The trip, by the way, was awesome.  Jude did FANTASTIC on the plane ride there and back.  He was so excited to be on the plane that he would run up to complete strangers and yell - at the top of his lungs - "Going on a plane ride!!!" with a big ole' smile on his face.  The most surprising thing is that he doesn't usually talk to anyone that he doesn't know.  While in Austin, we went to the mall and Jude counted (again, at the top of his lungs) in Spanish "Uno, Dos, Tres..." I was getting some funny looks.  I am not sure if it is because he was counting in Spanish or if it was because he was counting loud enough for half of the mall to hear him.  We also met with my Aunt Sharon while out there.  It was great to see her and great to catch up.  (Now for the very unprofessionally taken 29 week photo...)

These latest shots, Julie took for me while she was visiting last weekend.  (THANKS JULES!)  I really don't know where 8 more weeks of baby is going to fit.  At least my maternity clothes still fit.

In other news... we have completed another step in our kitchen.  We recently had a new hood put in above our stove, we added an AWESOME side panel to our fridge that Chad and his Dad made.  I love it!  We changed took some cabinets out of our island and added a beverage cooler and spice cabinet.  Tim, our tile guy just finished putting in our backsplash.  It all looks great!  I think the whole thing will be finished as soon as the hood gets textured and painted. 

Now... to determine the next big project.  My vote is a deck!